Imposter Syndrome

28 Aug 2024

Nicola Spencer

Have you ever felt like a fraud, experienced overwhelming self doubt, or felt as though you are
undeserving of what you’ve achieved? This unsettling feeling is known as Imposter syndrome. And unfortunately, it’s extremely common. Imposter syndrome shows up as a persistent inability to believe that successes are deserved, despite having been achieved as a result of one’s own skills and effort. For many, these feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt can be paralyzing, holding them back from achieving their true potential – ooof!!

Having experienced imposter syndrome at many points in my life, and knowing that it is a common theme we see in counselling, I am curious about how and why it shows up.

→ Read on if that’s your thing… Otherwise, scroll to the bottom for the TLDR; or Watch the
Too Long, Just Watch (TLJW) video

What IS Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is the persistent feeling of self-doubt and belief that you’re not as competent as others perceive you to be. Despite evidence of your accomplishments, you may feel that you’ve only succeeded due to luck, timing, or by deceiving others into thinking you’re smarter or more capable than you actually are. This can create a cycle of anxiety, stress, and avoidance, preventing you from fully embracing your achievements, and diminishing your confidence and sense of self-worth.

Imposter syndrome can show up in just about every domain you can think of. Most commonly, it’s referred to in career, sport, education, or personal goals. But imposter syndrome can also manifest within parenting, friendships, and even romantic/intimate relationships.

I want to make a distinction here between imposter syndrome and self-doubt. Experiencing some degree of self-doubt is normal and can even be healthy! Self-doubt can provide us with helpful information, motivate us to work hard or push through discomfort, and nudge us towards change and growth. But when self-doubt becomes all-consuming, it might be verging on imposter syndrome- territory and require a bit more work.

→ If you’ve ever experienced it for yourself, how has it shown up for you?

Why Do We Experience Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome can affect anyone, but certain factors can increase its likelihood. High achievers, perfectionists, and those in competitive or high-pressure environments are particularly vulnerable. It has also been shown to be particularly pervasive among women, especially women of color.

Context matters – As the syndrome can be exacerbated by cultural norms, societal expectations,
personal history, or internalized beliefs that you’re not good enough. It’s important to remember that these feelings are not reflective of your actual abilities — they’re a cognitive distortion.

The Impact of Imposter Syndrome: What it Does

Imposter syndrome affects how we view ourselves, our internal feelings, sense-of-self, and impacts our beliefs about who we are and our own abilities. It can create insecurities or exacerbate existing insecurities. It can impact:

  • The actions we take (or don’t take) out of fear – maybe you didn’t apply for a job because you didn’t think you were good enough
  • The decisions we make or goals we set for ourselves – perhaps you don’t go after a goal because you didn’t believe you could achieve it
  • How we show up in relationships – maybe you don’t feel as though you’re good enough for a partner
  • Our ability to trust ourselves and others – perhaps you don’t trust yourself to know what’s right for you or can’t accept someone’s support and affirmation as genuine

Imposter syndrome can take a toll on your mental health and overall well-being. It can lead to:

  • Stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Perfectionism, overworking, and burnout
  • Reduced relational closeness, vulnerability, and connection

Over time, it may cause you to avoid opportunities for growth, downplay your successes, or work excessively to prove your worth. The constant fear of being “found out” can also damage your self-esteem and relationships.

Like I said, it’s a beast.

Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

While imposter syndrome can feel paralyzing, there are ways to get through it! Here are just a few of
the things you can do if you are experiencing it for yourself:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: The first step in overcoming Imposter Syndrome is recognizing that it exists. Understand that these feelings are common and that you’re not alone. When you acknowledge the presence of these thoughts, you can begin to challenge them.
  2. Reframe Your Thoughts & Challenge Self-Doubt: When you catch yourself thinking that you
    don’t deserve your success, take a moment to reframe that thought. Ask yourself whether or
    not these negative thoughts are true? What evidence do you have? What are the facts?
  3. Talk About It: Sharing your experiences with someone you trust can be incredibly supportive. Whether it’s a friend, partner, mentor, or… therapist! Talking about your feelings can help you realize that they’re often irrational and unfounded. And others can provide perspective and reassurance.
  4. Embrace Imperfection: Perfectionism often goes hand in hand with imposter syndrome.
    Remember that nobody is perfect, and mistakes are not only a natural part of growth, they are one of the best ways to learn and improve! So instead of aiming for perfection, focus on
    progress and learning from experiences. Easier said than done, but important nonetheless!
  5. Seek Professional Help: If imposter syndrome is significantly impacting your life, it may be
    helpful to seek therapy. A therapist (hi, it’s us!) can work with you to address underlying causes, develop coping strategies, and build and embrace confidence.

If you’re human, chances are you’ve experienced imposter syndrome in one way, shape, or form. If you’re experiencing it now, I see you! And I know it can be rough! But don’t lose hope. Imposter syndrome doesn’t have to be forever, and no – you don’t need another degree, certification, or new personality to get through it!

Experiencing imposter syndrome and need some support? Reach out to Strong Counselling to book an appointment


  • Imposter syndrome can show up in career, sports, education, personal goals… As well as parenting, friendships, and intimate relationships
  • It is usually experienced as self-doubt, the kind that makes you question whether or not you’re good enough or deserving of what you’ve accomplished
  • If left unchecked it can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, or cause disconnection in relationships or impact how you make big life decisions
  • While anyone can experience imposter syndrome, it’s most often seen in women, women of color, and those that also experience perfectionism
  • There are lots of ways we can strive to cope with & overcome imposter syndrome: Acknowledging your feelings, reframing negative thoughts, talking to others, or seeking professional help

Watch the video here:

Resources & Reading

● Stop Telling Women they Have Imposter Syndrome (5 min read)
● What is Imposter Syndrome & How Can You Combat it? (4 min video)
● The One Thing No One Told You About Imposter Syndrome (18 min video)

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